Rationalization of Science and Technology Institutions

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The government of Jamaica is the main funder of research and development (R&D). In an effort to encourage greater levels of investment and maximise return on investments, it is important to re-evaluate the creative and dynamic potential of our R & D institutions in meeting local needs and building a competitive edge in a rapidly advancing technological world.

With respect to the implementation of the ST&I roadmap strategy, the NCST in collaboration with the Public Sector Transformation Unit (PSTU) will be facilitating an audit of the government laboratories in and around the Hope Gardens Complex. This is with view to empower the institutions and address optimum use of space, equipment and personnel. Downstream this could coalesce and result in the establishment of the infrastructure for a science and technology and innovation park. Strategically, there will be a revision of the Acts governing the establishment of each institution with a view to provide a sense of responsiveness to meeting the changing needs locally.
